Monday, March 23, 2009; @ 4:08 AM

I took this on my way to a party when it stop raining...i think it is nice.How about u? Give me your comments.

Friday, March 20, 2009; @ 5:21 AM she call me and i tio rejected...wat can i sae ? I gave up le. So this Dion u see now is bac to his normal self again!:). Lets sae YAY!Anyway today was freaking nice except for the rejection cuz i played basketball and thanks to Drain i can score better now![Man u rawk!Drain!Ty for teaching me tricks and i can do it now ...wahahahaha!].Although i still had difficulties but my hardwork will pay-off!RIGHT?So who up for a basketball match >.< !Plz tell me the time on msn or my phone number or this blog chat-box if u wanna play with me!And plz for ppl who pass-by this nice blog do leave a messenge behind or a greeting :) cuz this blog look so DESERTED...
Anyway ty for giving your time to read what i write ... see ya next time so STAY TUNED!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009; @ 7:22 PM

Haiz...i guess i have recovered from my emoness. Anyway i give up most of myself already ,i decided to stick with the flow and dun care mostly le. The past few days have been out,except for yesterday which is thurs cuz NO one free. Things like go Temasak Poly and study [meet lot of friends including my new bro aka Desmond!]. And suppose to go cycling with Shawnn and Rui Yi one but Wat The Hell lor!We waited for Rui Yi for 1 hours, she haven arrive yet...we walk around Tampines Mall to wait for her after waiting at the stupid interchange for an hour. Guess wat? She not there yet! We decided to give up and We were so mad at her[want to beat or scold her,mostly is scold but Shawnn want to beat...].So we went to Lan[a computer gaming shop].We played Counter Strike,dam fun lor i was owning while Shawnn did nearly nothing except for his pro snipering[i use tactical].We will challenge those two again...i forgot their names -_-".They wasnt bad but we were better. Thats it for today cuz going basketball with Adrain. I will write about wat we do soon...STAY TUNE!

Thursday, March 12, 2009; @ 5:30 AM

Haiz i have to get personal now because i dont think i can take it le. There is a girl in my class i like. But she doesnt seem to like me! But people keep telling me "DION!AIYO dont be like that! U still got hope!". But i can seriously tell those people that i am a complete useless asshole and fat some more cannot do anything right!Cause ever since pri school to now i rarely wins expect for games, i cannot do anything or watsoever. I believe that a complete retard like me would not be like by anyone! I want to confess and watsoever but i am a complete coward! I scare she reject me...i hate myself!!! a lot. Can't i be like someone more brave and a winner! Why muz this kind of thing befall me. I did nothing wrong . In my brain i have a negative thought of myself. Haiz i guess it cant be force? Love wat can i say? This thing is driving me mad when i see her with another guy, i was dam jealous! And no matter wat!It seem to me that i has no hope and i cant believe on myself... I can almost go mental i tell u. Normally i would be smiling and be positive but now i lost everything...i had became a negative idoit!
For ppl who visit this blog ,u can scold me or watsoever cause i am a complete loser.
May this be not my final entry for this blog...

Basketball then Lan!
Sunday, March 8, 2009; @ 12:46 AM

Yesterday,Sat was so fun lor! Me,Shawnn and Kwan Wee played as a team even though we lost ,we had fun![Even though i cant believe Che En's Vice Captain was a top class joker;he made me laugh all the way till the end...Che en, nice Vice Captain u have there!].The only thing i was angry about is i had to wait for more than 30mins for Rui Yi because she over-slept...the only person to make me wait so long... -.-" ,suppose to meet at 7.30am but came at around 8.20...haiz,speechless.After that Kwan Wee suggest we go to the Lan at the tampines sport stadium there. Our team was getting owned but we tried our best.Right?.Today was fun too i went to play basketball with Adrain and Panna when i discover i sux at scoring!X.X. For the monday after the school holidays i will be having interclass captain ball tourament with Wang Zhen and Junlong and Jia Chin even though i dont think we can win but we muz try our best! Do come and support us :)!Thats all i want to write la for now ... kk bb do visit more often and see if i got post or not ;)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009; @ 4:27 AM

Haiz today dam sad and fun..LOL!Today i played basketball with Shawnn and a lot of ppl la!Dam nice lor.But in the end the stupid PE teacher confiscate[did i spell it correctly?]because got one person play without wearing PE . WALAO! Like that also can! Stupid!Shawnn damm angry...and i wanna kill that teacher,he dam F!Another sad thing is Ms Ho make me change seat! NOO,i like my seat!Got Boon Sheng,Jc,Gillian,Vivian and Cherlyn.God dam it![I goin to try to persuade her]I hate life because got this kind of thing...:(. Anyway for those who is in love out there! This is what i pick up for Japan "Sukidaiyo" and "Daisuke" which means I love you. Suki- as in watashi-wa neko-ga ."Sukidaiyo" or "Daisuki" is like..i like u and i really like u .Aiyo if u ask me why i go find this words ,lets say it is a secret! >.< .That is all for today stay tune for more posts in the future!

泥だらけRolling Star!